A Hero's Journey - Marshall L

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This picture means a lot to me as a growing football player. It reminds me of what I have been through and learned while at IDF.

The picture has many stories within it. The picture is from a before game chant in which everyone is getting hyped up for the game. It gives the viewer a sense of what it is like to be a member of the club and be immersed in the environment, culture, and companionship of the members.

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The environment of IDF is like no other in the area. The coaches are at practice working hard to inform and improve every player’s game. They come prepared with a preplanned practice every day. They challenge the players mentally and physically to be the best they can be. The ratio of players to coaches is unmatched. At worst it is around 15:1 which is unheard of around here. The best it can be is around 6:1 which is outstanding.

Every day at practice I feel pushed and encouraged to work harder and make the smartest decisions and I love it. There is not only pushing and encouragement coming from the coaches but from the players as well.

We know that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link and we want the chain to be as strong as possible.

The culture is also very unique. We have many traditions as a club. For example, we tuck in our shirts before training and greet the coaches every day. The point of this is to practice being in a professional environment. If we do not have a professional mindset we will not be able to perform in the next challenges we face. Not only as an individual, but as a team as well.

The companionship is very strong as well within the team. Teamwork is extremely valuable in our overall success. Teamwork is a core value of who we are as a team and what we believe in. It says on our badge that “Possession is a Lifestyle” and if it were not for working together and having strong connections, we would not be able to act on that philosophy. These three values are what I am reminded of when I see that image. They are the base of our club and who we stand for. 



A Hero's Journey: Brendan L


A Hero's Journey: Heri M